Installing Airflow with Podman on Windows.
Podman serves as an alternative to Docker Desktop on Windows, operating under WSL. However, it does come with its own set of challenges. To install Airflow on Podman, you’ll need to execute a docker-compose file. In this guide, we’ll show you how to do just that.
Install Podman Desktop for Windows by downloading the installer from the Airflow website.
Create a new folder at C:\Airflow and add the following subfolders: dags, logs, plugins, and configs.
Download the latest docker-compose.yaml file from the Airflow website and save it in your Airflow folder.
Execute the following PowerShell script to download the “docker-compose.exe” file into your Airflow folder.
Start-BitsTransfer -Source
-Destination c:\Airflow\docker-compose.exe
In your Airflow folder, execute the following command to build and run the images:
c:\Airflow\docker-compose up -d
You will see 7 containers running in your Podman Desktop. The airflow-init container will run only once, and once it completes the tasks of creating databases and other requirements, it will stop.
Remember that you can customize the build of the Airflow image, and then include it in your docker-compose.yaml file to add dependencies and extra packages.